Old Dutch Group History
Original Old Dutch
Farms Logo
Old Dutch Group, LLC, is the evolution of an old family farm real estate company called Old Dutch Farms, based in York, Pennsylvania. Old Dutch is generated from the family heritage of Pennsylvania Dutch after Melchior Flinspach moved to southcentral Pennsylvania in 1753. The Flinspach name was converted to Flinchbaugh over the years. Old Dutch Farms is defunct, but the heritage of values-based business, hard work, and insight culminated in the creation of Old Dutch Group, LLC in 2003.
The firm was created primarily as an investment vehicle, beginning with Cobra Motorcycle (originally Rev! Motorcycle). It has continued with investment as the centerpiece of its work, with investments in over 40 companies. Multiple board of directors and board of advisor roles have been a very active part of the firm for over 10 years. Finally, given the strategic thought process behind the combination of investing and board roles, multiple firms have sought out Jamie for strategic advisory work which has been a recent addition to the portfolio of the firm’s work