Strategy Development Advisory Services
Many organizations focus on strategy as a rigorous process with lots of data, charts, and (for lack of a better phrase) safe choices. But strategy is as much a mindset, skill, and perspective as it is about process. Process and data can only help enlighten and focus the strategic mindset. What many small and medium-sized organizations need isn’t a strategic planning process but to sharpen their strategic thinking. This requires just enough process to engage in the challenge, tough feedback and insightful questions to generate perspective, and straight-talk to help get to the core points. In working with organizations on strategy, Jamie Flinchbaugh helps you navigate this process in a way that suits your style and needs as a advisor, and not as a consultant who drives you through their charts, templates, and meeting structure. If your strategy needs to pivot, sharpen, or improve, then let’s talk about your challenge.

To learn more about strategic thinking, and Jamie's views, watch this 16-video course titled The Strategic Thinker, The Strategic Process, and Your Strategy